
You may use the below information to send us donations in electronic form from anywhere in the world.

Please note that, donations above Rs. 500/-, made by Indian citizens can be deducted, as per existing laws, under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Please see below information about our 80G certification.

Once you make a donation, please send us an email on [email protected]  and provide us the details of your donation such as your name, date of donation, method of transfer, transaction number, amount and currency (if you are donating from outside India).

80G Information useful for Indian citizens

80G Unique Reg No. -ABECS7408LF20215, 12 A UNIQUE Reg. No. -ABECS7408LE20217

Account Name:   Shri Datta Spritual, Education and Charitable Foundation Foundation
Bank:                          Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
Branch:                     Sinhagad Road  
Address:                   Kudale Patil Estate,Sinhagad Rd,Manik Baug,
                                  Opp Anandi Dining Hall Pune,Maharashtra 411051

Account No:          5345151578
IFSC code:              KKBK0001764
Account Type:     Saving